Thursday, May 8, 2014

Happy Mother's Day to all of you Wonderful Moms!!!

I hope you all get some beautiful weather to celebrate your special day on SUNDAY....put away the to-do list, the chores and the worries of motherhood and just enjoy being a mother with your kids!!!

The Raffe report for May 12:
Math: continued work on three digit  subtraction with and without regrouping, geometry and skills review work
Reading: reading short passages to summarize information
Writing: writing to summarize information, finishing up our persuasive writing unit.
Science: done with soils, end of unit assessment
Social Studies: the United States, each student will be picking one state to research and write up/do projects for

Mrs. Palaygi, our school guidance counselor, is coming in on Mondays to do lessons on friendship, conflict resolution and other on-going topics for positive character development.

The school wide ART show and spring BOGO book fair is next Thursday. Please plan to stop by and see the wonderful creative work done by Mrs. Sieme and the students! I will be out on Friday to attend my oldest daughter's graduation from college (boo hoo...I can't believe it!) Mrs. McGlynn will be my substitute!

PS THANK YOU TO ALL FOR THE DELICIOUS EDIBLE FRUIT ARRANGEMENT....WE WILL SHARE IT TOMORROW FOR SNACK.  I loved my sailboat and all the wonderful messages creating the sail....if you are in the building next week for the art show be sure to take a peek at it hanging in the hall by our room!!